Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vincent Van Gogh

- Vincent Van Gogh
- Self Portrait
- 1887
- oil on canvas

- Vincent Van Gogh was born
 March 30th 1853. He was born in Zundert, Netherlands.

- Van Gogh died
 July 29th 1890. He died in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. He was only 37 when he died.

- Types of art
 Van Gogh is well known for his paintings in oil but he also used water colors.

- Media
 Van Gogh used a pad and pencil and he also used oil on canvas. He is well known for his oil on canvas paintings.

- Style/ Period
 Van Gogh is from the post-impressionism period of art.

- Post-Impressionism
 Post-Impressionists extended Impressionism while rejecting its limitations they continued using  the thick application of paint, short brush strokes, and real-life subject matter, but they were more inclined to emphasize geometric forms.

- Three artists who are similar/ Played a role in Van Gogh's life.

      The first artist that is similar to Van gogh is Anton Mauve. Mauve has a style to his art that is just a little different then Van Goghs style. Mauve uses short brush strokes just like Van Gogh uses. Mauve did not use thick paint like Van Gogh as seen in most of his works. Mouve was Van Goghs Cousin in law so he played a vary larg role in the influence on Van Goghs early life. Van Gogh spent three weeks at Mauve's studio at the end of 1881 and during that time he made his first experiments in painting,  first in oils and then early the next year in watercolour.

- Anton Mauve
- Morning Ride on the Beach
- 1876
- Oil on Canvas
- 17.72 × 27.56 in. (45 × 70 cm)

- Vicent Van Gogh
- The Night Cafe
- Septemper 1888
- Oil on Canvas
- 27.5 x 29 in. (72.4 x 92.1 cm)

The second artist that im going to talk about that also played a big role in Van Goghs life is an artist named Jean-François Millet was part of the Realism movement he was a painter and a sculpter. He played an important part of Van Goghs life when he was young Van Gogh talked about Millet many times in the the letters he sent to his brother. Millets painting and his landscapes played a role in making Van Goghs art what it is today. Millet did not always use the same media that Van Gogh used there art is similer. Both Van Gogh and Millet have amazing landscapes that show the amazing detail. Millet does not use the short think lines like Van Gogh used he does use some short strokes but nothing like Van Gogh used he also does not use the thick paint like Van Gogh used in not all but most of his paintings.
- Jean-François Millet
- Des glaneuses
(The Gleaners)
- 1857
- Leinwand
- 33.07 × 43.7 in. (84 × 111 cm)

- Vincent Van Gogh
- Bouledvard de Clichy
- February/ March 1887
- Oil on Canvas
- 18 x 21.5 in. (45.5 x 55 cm)


 Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli was the last artist that played a very big part in Van Gogh’s life. Monticell and Van Gogh have an art style that is very similar they both use short brush strokes and the thick application of paint. Van Gogh was strongly influenced by Monticell at one point he said “I sometimes think I am really continuing that man.” Also Van Gogh and his brother Theo published the first book on Monticelli in 1890.    
- Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli
- Still life with Sardines and Sea Urchins
- oil on canvas

- Vincent Van Gogh
- The Red Vineyard
- November 1888
- oil on canvas


Five Paintings

-Vincent Van Gogh
-Cafe Terrace at Night
- oil on canvas
- 81 × 65.5 cm
Kröller-Müller Museum

- Vincent Van Gogh
- Der Garten Daubignys
- 1890
- oil on canvas
- 56 × 101 cm
- Kunstmuseum Basel

- Vinent Van Gogh
- The Church at Auvers-sur-Oise
- June 1890
- oil on canvas
- 94 × 74 cm
- Musée d'Orsay

- Vincent Van Gogh
- Van Gogh's Chair
- 1888
- oil on canvas
- 91.8 × 73 cm
- National Gallery

- Vincent Van Gogh
- De Aardappeleters The Potato Eaters
- April 1885
- oil on canvas
-82 × 114 cm
-Van Gogh Museum

"Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolphe
"Anton Mauve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An
"Jean-François Millet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Fran%C3%A7ois_Millet>.
"Vincent van Gogh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent


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